What is a SuperPAC?

A SuperPAC is an independent political action committee that is able to accept donations of any size, but is not allowed to directly communicate with parties and political candidates.

What’s the problem with SuperPACs?

SuperPACs are often created for the goal of supporting a candidate, therefore when a donor contributes to a SuperPAC they are effectively bypassing regulations to limit the amount of money that can influence a prospective elected official.

Why do we still have them?

While the  Supreme Court has never ruled that SuperPACs are required by the First Amendment, lower courts have assumed they are. This is incorrect. For the same reasons that Buckley v. Valeo permitted the regulation of contributions to candidates (the risk of quid-pro-quo corruption), contributions to SuperPACs should also be capable of regulation.

How can we end SuperPACs in Maine?

In 2024, Maine voters passed a citizens initiative with 74.9% of the vote.

Ballot Language:

“Do you want to set a $5,000 limit for giving to political action committees that spend money independently to support or defeat candidates for office?”

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